What should I know about Payment PIN under Lazada Wallet?

2020-11-08 22:13:43 view: Payments

Lazada Wallet has an additional layer of security for Wallet users making purchases of RM1000 and above.

Here’s how you can set your Payment PIN:




For payments above RM1000 tried on the Lazada Wallet without a security PIN setup, this will be the following error message you will receive.




1. Please be informed that you will be blocked from making payment with Lazada Wallet for 3 hours, if you have attempted 3 failed PIN entries, before you will be able to place the order again.

2. If you have forgotten your Payment PIN, you may reset it by going to the ‘Security PIN’ page and click on ‘Change PIN’ and select ‘Forgot your PIN’.

3. You will also need to have a security PIN setup on your Lazada Wallet for any Tmall purchases above RM1000, using you Lazada Wallet.