Is it safe to buy electronic products from AliExpress, and if so, how do they do doorstep delivery?

2021-12-09 23:05:27 view: Other

They seem like decent off-brand laptops, at least the specifications of the product seem to indicate that. Also, the site offers money back if the product isn't received on time/isn't exactly as it was specified in the listing.

Aliexpress is like ebay. These are all individual sellers, so the just like ebay its better to buy from somebody who has sold a lot of items and has a decent feedback rating. Also just like ebay, research the item being sold. Even if the seller is a good guy, the product may not be.

AliExpress is like Amazon, except that it doesn't have Amazon's protection. It has all these sellers who sell stuff, but those sellers could scam you and then AliExpress might not be able to do much if that happens. If you do not want that to happen with you, use common sense (if a deal's too good to be true, it is not true), and also check the reviews and ratings.

People think Aliexpress is a complete scam because of these reasons:
-> They haven't shopped there and are assuming **** -_-
-> They didn't read the title of what they were buying. E.g. they thought they were buying an iPhone 6 for $200 when it clearly said that it was just a clone.

Do note this!!! Do not expect any problem you may have to be treated in a fair and reasonable manner - their code of conduct for handling problems is entirely crooked and self serving. I don't think a real person even reads your claim or looks at the photos and videos you are asked to upload in support of your dispute. They seem to have automatic emails and responses set up so that no matter how much proof you send they will deny your claim and grab your money.

You will have to pay the custom duties too!!!